Saturday, June 4, 2011

Rush Hour

We all have that "generic" friend. I don't mean generic in a bad way, I mean that we all have that one friend that blames their relationship problems on the outside world. For example, a close friend usually comes up to me and says, "Clinton* doesn't reciprocate the feelings I feel for him.. Why does this always happen to me?" If you haven't heard a friend complain about the world not being "fair" to them, then I'm sorry to break the news but, you re most probably THAT friend. It's okay, we can fix that. So taking Clinton and my best friend of many years, Martha* and their relationship under the microscope. Martha feels that after 2 dates shes ready to marry Clinton. She is picking out color swatches for their hypothetical child's baby room. (She wanted to pick coral for a boy, is she crazy?!) I think we all know the answer to the problem of why Clinton doesn't feel the same. You can't expect someone to be madly in love with you after 2 dates. Even if those dates are the two most amazing dates of your life, that still doesn't mean you are ready for marriage yet. I thin Martha needs to slow down. From the time that Martha told me this issue she had with Clinton, I began to wonder why we always rush things. Two days ago I took a walk with a good friend of mine. I'm usually so busy and I never have the time to slow things down. (I'm even typing this extremely fast). That was truly the first time I didn't feel rushed. Maybe it was just the good company? But ever since then, I just took things at a steadier pace. To my shock, I got all the things I wanted to do, done, and my body wasn't panicking like it usually does at the end of the day. My philosophy of this entry? Calm down. Go slow. Don't rush things. Life is too good to speed through it. Take life day by day.

"Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold.  But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow."

Till next time, THEbathtubphilosopher.

*Indicates name change to protect my friends and loved ones from social embarrassment, or to lessen the pain for when they try to physically abuse me from using their relationships and secrets in my blog entry. (You know who you are, winky face.)

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