Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hamlet and I

Like Hamlet, I am too the great procrastinator. I feel like there is no better time to get a pedicure, read the New York Times blog, google my recent curiosities then when I have work piling up. Why do I do this? I know I have 2 huge presentations tomorrow, a wedding tonight, construction going on in my house, and a friends play which I must attend. I still do no work in advance. Why is this? I'm a fairly organized person. Under the clutter, shoes, and netflix mail-in DVDs I can easily find my calender with a perfectly labeled schedule detailing what I have to do and when. Just the other day, I went to my favorite "quiet place" where I usually go alone and I get a lot of work done (under pressure, obviously). So there I go, gathering all the books I need for my research and so on, and I grab a magazine, or two, make it five. I KNEW if I pick up that magazine in no means will I be paying attention to the actual work I need to do. Just at that second Psychology Today seemed more appealing then planning a lesson on how to get 17 year old kids to understand and appreciate feminism. I am the great procrastinator but I also am the great predictor. Guess what I didn't do? Correct a lesson plan. Guess what I figured out? Who was best dressed this year and why people become such die hard rock and roll fans (courtesy Vogue and Psychology Today). So when I had a second to breathe (more like inhale) I googled why people procrastinate (this google search was a procrastination in itself- I could of made 3 phone calls!) and this is what I found out. People can actually be chronic procrastinators, and people do see it as a lifestyle. In America we don't call people out on their excuses and apparently Americans in charge are too nice. Procrastinators are usually made from authoritarian parents (parents who are too strict didn't let kids actually do things for themselves). There's a lot more interesting facts and numbers about procrastinators (for more info click link: Psychology Today Article on Procrastination). So what did the bathtub philosopher learn? I'll get back to you on that one.
THEbathtubphilosopher@gmail.com .

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