Monday, January 10, 2011

The untitled

"Many people are living far below their expectations because they are constantly handing over their individuality to others. Do you want to be a power in this world? Then be yourself." My teacher recited this to us in 9th grade. I like to keep many things I find interesting over the years, and I think i found a decent (half strange) hobby. I collect quotes. So if I come across a quote that I find funny, inspiring, poetic, or prophetic I write it down in a leather book which I carry with me at all times. I write down everything in that book and once I'm done i rip it out and file it away. I was laying in bed and trying to piece together the quote. Random searches in Google or Bing didn't help and I just couldn't solve the puzzle. We all have that certain friend which you call for the most random things... (I once got called and was asked about that tortoise and hare book that we all read in 2nd grade. Strange people out there.) So I called up Becky, my brother's fiance and asked her about this. She obviously had no idea what I was talking about in my rushed voice. All she heard was "quote... blah blah blah... live up to your potential, don't give people things.." Basically, she thinks I'm crazy. I searched and searched and found it in my file. (Side note: this is all procrastination to the piles of work I have to do, and guess what else? I got another manicure today which is an extra dose of procrastination.) I don't even know what the whole motive of this post is. I guess this quote "got" me. It got me in 9th grade and it still does now, several, several, years later. What do you think about this quote? Do you think originality will get you places in this world? Write in and tell me what you think.

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